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- Sage and Rose Bundle Smudge Stick, Attract Love, Cleanse Energy &Air, Love Wand, Rose Sage, White Sage, Positive Energy, Manifestation Wand
Sage and Rose Bundle Smudge Stick, Attract Love, Cleanse Energy &Air, Love Wand, Rose Sage, White Sage, Positive Energy, Manifestation Wand
White Sage + Rose Smudge Stick. This type of Smudge Stick is often called a Love Wand, as burning Rose Petals with the intention of finding a partner is practiced widely.
~ White Sage is for Cleansing and Purification. White Sage is considered sacred by many Native Americans. White sage is believed to cleanse a space of any evil spirits or 'negative' energies that may be present. This power is said to be released from the plant by the burning of the leaves, which are typically bundled into a wand. Cleansing our spaces leads to clarity, open mindedness and is scientifically proven to burn bacteria from the air.
~Rose Flowers and Petals are used for meditation, divination, increasing psychic abilities and communication, contacting powers and beings in other dimensions. Traditionally the rose is associated with attracting love, conferring peace, stimulating sexual appetites and enhancing beauty. The element is primarily water. The scent is heavy, warm and aromatic with a hint of sharpness that lasts a long time after burning.
~How to Smudge~ Always open a window in every room you Smudge, whatever cleanses out of your space needs a place to escape to. For herbal bundles simply light the end on fire. Allow the bundle to burn for a moment and blow out the flame. The herb bundle will then smolder producing the smoke used to cleanse. Use a shell or heat proof plate to catch the falling ash.